Anirban Basu
Anirban Basu



With more than a decade of research experience within both academia and industry, I have co-authored 70+ research papers and 30+ Japanese patents. My publications have been cited more than 2,900 times setting my overall h-index to over 25 (source: Google Scholar). My current research is based on a user-empowering view of computational trust in human-machine interactions; and the role of computational trust in security and privacy. The areas of research that interest me include, but are not limited to: computational trust systems, AI security, AI ethics and causal modelling, distributed consensus, privacy and risk, and privacy preserving data mining. I like working on complex problems that require multi-disciplinary approaches. Outside research and experimental stuff (some of which, I make open-source), I am keen on photography, videography and the associated travels.

  • Computational trust
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Privacy and security
  • Distributed systems
  • Indian classical music
  • Photography
  • Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    University of Sussex

  • BEng in Computer Systems Engineering

    University of Sussex

et cetera


My name Anirban is a Bengali name ("অনির্বাণ", if you have Bengali fonts to see that), which means a light that shines forever. In Bengali, it sounds a bit like: aw-nee-r-baan. However, as Bengali is not a language with strict intonations, many variations of the pronunciation by non-Bengali speakers still make sense (somewhat!). In Japanese (Katakana), it is written as バス オニバン (note that the family name is written first) and pronounced (in Romanization) ba-su o-ni-ba-n.

If you would like to see how my name is written but do not have the Bengali or Japanese fonts to read the names in the paragraph above, click on the links below to see them as images.

  • Full name in Bengali, left-to-right reading order: click here.
  • Full name in Japanese, with the family name first in the left-to-right reading order: click here.

Profile photos

  • 1inch x 1.25inch @600dpi profile photo JPEG.
  • 1inch x 1inch (aspect ratio: square) @600dpi profile photo JPEG.